The End


You’ve made it to the end of The Deadlands – Issue 01.

Did you love it? Will the stories herein haunt you for weeks and months to come? Will some imagery from one of the poems pop into your head at an odd hour completely uninvited?

I hope so.

It’s been a really incredible journey putting together not only this single issue of The Deadlands, but also bringing the concept of a “death magazine” into the world, assembling an impressive team to help carry out and put their own spin on the vision. When I first had an idea to do a magazine that explored the theme of death only, I thought it would be a single-person-run zine that had small following, and we’d publish just
a single piece of fiction a month or a quarter. But as I worked with Elise, my first and only choice to edit The Deadlands, I saw how this could be something much bigger.

Poetry! Non-fiction! Someone who could help us find great art!

I am completely thrilled to have created a space where amazing authors, poets, and artists can explore the ideas of death, afterlives, underworlds, other worlds, Death personified, psychopomps, and more.

A huge thanks to everyone that participated in our successful Kickstarter, to everyone who helped spread the word on social media, to The Deadlands team for helping me Make A Thing, to the poets and authors who agreed to take a chance and write some awesome pieces for our first few issues, and to my wife, Beth Wodzinski, for so much support and encouragement.

There are a lot of great things to come—this is just the beginning.

You can best follow along with us on this journey at our website and on Twitter @TheDeadlands.

Sean Markey | Publisher
May 2021

Sean Markey is the publisher of many websites–some of them extremely helpful, like in early 2020, and some utterly stupid, like this site about bogs. Sean has previously worked with Clarkesworld Magazine (as a slush reader) and Shimmer Magazine (handling distribution and tech-stuff). He has always dreamed of publishing a zine (about Death). Follow him on Twitter @MarkeyDotCo

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