
The Alchemists, the Squirrels, by Robert Beveridge

The search for the perfect needlecontinues, the thread acquiredin a deal that saw you relinquishthree quinces, your grandmother,and a draft choice to be named later.Between sips, what was once ryein your shotglass seems to havebecome amaranth. The prieston the stool next to you claimsno possibility of transubstantiation;you withhold judgment. The ritualis still on, your roommate

The Alchemists, the Squirrels, by Robert Beveridge Keep Reading »

The Train, by Ivana Svobodová

The train flows through the midnight of tunnels,hums inside ribs.Raindrops wink on the windowas they say goodbye to platformsthat give them a grin full of bones of cobblestones.Rustling leaves wrap around fingersthe monuments of the abandoned stations.Bezpráví,yearning of wires, mires in the mist on the glass,bared teeth of the lightning-catcherthat swallows the autumn like a

The Train, by Ivana Svobodová Keep Reading »

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